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The Sermon Menu

1. 3 Ways Satan Tries To Destroy The Church

2. As time goes on


4. 4 Ways To Know If It Is Gods Voice

5. Who are you Really?

6. What do you have the time for?

7. Anyone can claim to believe in God

8. The two sides

9. Apostles Creed

10. Becoming a Christian

11. Changes from with in

12. Discipleship

13. Life is not what it seems in your eyes

14. Ethics

15. How did Jesus teach the Salvation Message to us?

16. How to Shut Down Gossip anywhere

17. If you were going to die tomorrow what would you do with your last day?

18. Repentance means changing one’s mind

19. Role of Husband in the Bible

20. Role of the Wife in the Bible

21. Romans road to salvation

22. Stop Bringing the World into the Church!

23. The Book of Wisdom or The Wisdom of Solomon

24. The Law of this world and of Gods world

25. The three trees

26. Thieves only steal what’s valuable to them

27. The New Commandments of Jesus

28. The New Shoes

29. The Old Man Said

30. The only bible someone reads is you?

31. The Power of Choice

32. The Probability of an Earth

33. The value of worldly items is?

34. Did Jesus Have a WIFE?

35. Things They Don’t Teach in School

36. Things to do to protect our children from the world

37. Life Changing Thoughts

38. To Judge or Not to Judge

39. Judgment Of Others

40. What is important in your life?

41. Worldly Things and Marriage

42. How deep is your faith?


44. The changers (who we are)

45. Things in life

46. The Next Step in Your Faith

47. Laws of this world and Gods laws who do you follow?

48. What changed the world?

49. Who are We?

50. Definition of death

51.  You’re Candle

52. Debate between a Christian and an Atheist

53. Within our Tribalism


54. Your Relationship within Marriage

55. God does not see us as sinners

56. Three Stages of Marriage

57. The Evolution within the Revolution that there was a Resolution within the Revelation

58. Words of Wisdom 1

59. White Orbs in the Sky

60. Earthly things and Spiritual things

61. Spirit of Truth (we know it as the Holy Spirit)

62. The Living Religion of Jesus

63. Born of the Spirit

64. Golden Rule of all the religions

65. Two Worlds of life

66. Some new thoughts

67. Who is GOD?

68. Questions To Ask

69. 21 Steps to a Spiritual Awakening

70. A Wonderful Way To Explain Santa To Kids Without Them Feeling Lied Too

71. Things to Remember