Who are We?

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Who are We?


Let us pray: Father we come to you today to come to an understanding of why we are here and what our job is and for those that do not know the lord as your Saviour no matter what God loves you no matter what you have done throughout your life. Learn today what it is to be a new person and put God first in your life from now on. Amen.


Who are we?

We named the church this because through the teachings of Jesus we can change people’s lives.

My name is Minister John Ruland and I live in Columbus Indiana and this is a sermon on who are we?


We are born with: instinct, Morality, common sense, emotions, ethics, consciousness of our surroundings, a soul/spirit. With all this knowledge when we are born with we will in time grow up and soon we realize that where we are standing cannot be just an accident that just happened but the reality that God made us and put us here for a purpose.

We are born with instinct: Instinct is another word for self-preservation or our bodies to live a long life. When we get scared we run away. This is built in to us, like a powerful motivation or impulse that we have day to day within the confines of our lives that drives us to do things that need to be done or run from.

Consciousness of our surroundings: Even when we are born we can see that there is a world around us and interact with everyone that we come into contact with. Our mom picks us up and takes care of us and we grow and grow and soon we can start doing things for ourselves. Then as we get older things seem to get more interesting to us. We see things we have not seen before and done before. Like go to school and see other people like us and we seem to be doing all the same things at the same time. Going to class, eat lunch, go back to class, then when the time comes we get to go home and interact with our parents. With time we seem to take things that we do for granted and they are just there for us to use and interact with. But where did all this come from?

Common Sense: When we think of our surroundings we think of the ground we walk on, the food we eat, the things we do come from the common sense we have to understand that there are things we can do and things we cannot do. Sometimes it comes down to what is right and what is wrong to us. Even though our parents try to get us to understand what we do throughout our lives we have to make the right choices for us as we get older. Sometimes even though our parents try to get us to do the right things we compromise and do things that at the time we thought it was the right thing to do for us. Because we live in this world and interact with this world we do things because sometimes it is the way it has been done for many years. Our common sense we have is built in and learned from our parents and in the world we live in.

Our understanding of life: as we look around we see everything is created with perfection because without everything we see would not live or work for what it was made for. You cannot create anything from chaos unto perfection so it would work for what it was created for. Everything we see has to have a creator/maker/some being with intelligence/creativity/designer/all knowing/A being conceived as the perfect, omnipotent, omniscient originator and ruler of the universe.

Emotions that we all have and express: Emotions is an outward expression of what is inside of us at that given time and moment. Through our lives we will express emotions that is inside us daily and for some the things that are inside of us tells us who we are and what we believe from what comes out of our mouth from day to day. For some the only problem is the people that is around us see what we do from day today and we might be the only book they read to find what Christianity, life, our ethics, and the way we do things as we go about life from day today. So say what you mean and mean what you say because we are the only book they read daily.

Ethics we have: Ethics defines who we are and what we have become throughout our life. Our ethics tells others what is within us that comes out when we do something that has to pertain to life and business. Some will never read the bible but will read God’s disciples. So ethics defines the way we do things once we have the Holy Ghost living within us for everyone to see who we are and even who we have become because of this. Our outward approach of life and business is important because we tell everyone what is inside us every day and every decision we make.

Creation: What God has created he can fix. What humans have created humans can fix. Creation is just that something that has been created to be used by its creator. Anything that is or has been created without a user it is useless. Even if you think a new invention is superior to the old invention if there is no user then it is still useless. Even a Dead body is now useless to the user.

Happiness comes a lot easier when you stop complaining about your problems and start being grateful for all the problems you don’t have.

What is life and the choices we can make?

As we go throughout our lives from day to day we come to realize that everything we see sometimes is not what is really going on around us. We see a bus stop and the bus stopped and picked someone up and then we see the bus stop and let someone off. But what did they do in-between and where did they go? Everyone has things that they like to do and places they like to go to and be at. Some have jobs that they go to everyday and they have work to do. We are all born with an empty soul and or heart. We go through out our life to try to fill that empty spot all our lives. We try to find things here on earth to fill it but no matter what we do we wake up the next day and it is still empty. What do we do to fill that empty spot?

With this in mind if you believe there is a creator then when we were created God created us with that empty spot that is within us. At one time when we lived in the garden and I will tell you where it is: it is in Seetpur, Pakistan. It is one of the oldest cities there is and it is right on five rivers too. With the empty spot within us and we seek to fill it with the things of this earth but we will never fill it. God put it there for us to seek him out and get saved.

We really have to realize that God is the creator of everything including the Angels. God realized that for everything to be equal we have to have good and evil. Without good and evil we would not have choice to choose how we live and there would be no right and or wrong. Everything would be all good and no evil and no chaos within the world and that is if there was a world as we know it to begin with. With only things that are good we would be like robots and just do what God wants us to do without knowing that we would have a choice to choose how we live out our lives as we come to know it now. God has seen to it that we have that right to choose the things we can do thought out our lives. That is one thing God gave us was choice to choose the things we want to do. We can choose to serve God or Satan. The choice is up to us on how we live out our lives. I just cannot say this enough because it is the main point of everything right from the beginning when Adam and Eve were in the garden. When they lived in the garden they did not have a choice to make because they were under God’s care and that is all they had known and understood. They did not know what was wrong or even what was right. They only know what had to be done in the garden they lived in. They did what God wanted them to do and that is all they had known. For Adam and Eve to have a choice to make for themselves, God had to create evil. So God created Satan and then put him on earth to deceive Adam and Eve into eating the fruit of the tree so they would now have free will to choose.

When they all of a sudden had free will they lost the Holy Ghost that was inside of them and lost the knowledge of who God was and what he had done for them. Even though Adam and Eve still remembered God and the Garden their children had no knowledge of this and when they told their children about their time in the garden and talked to God the kids thought mom and dad are just telling us stories again about the garden. To the kids it was just stories but to Adam and Eve it was the truth they were telling them when they really lived in the garden. So the kids went their way and all the kids know what they could see here on earth. They did not know there was another whole world out there that is unseen.


Within the law of God

The Law of God is to love everyone as yourself and to teach and preach salvation unto the entire world and to protect those rights with our lives.

Things of this Earth will pass away but the things of God will live on forever and ever.

We have to realize that we live in two worlds: The Earth that we walk and live on and the spiritual world of Gods kingdom. One is seen and the other is unseen.

So it takes a lot of faith to say I do not believe there is a God or even anything spiritual within this world.

 It would be like if a book fell out of the sky and landed on our hand. Then we look up and where did that come from? Common sense would tell us that someone had to create the book and someone threw it up in the air and it just happened to land where I am standing. Sure enough someone come and said can I have my book back. IT takes more belief to be an atheist then you think. You have to lie to yourself and say because you cannot see God so therefore he does not exist. Then I can say I cannot see my teacher’s brain so therefore she does not have one. Then it comes to the point that we resist to become part of reality and all you have to say is I don’t believe that whether or not it is really true or not and you just say it is not true with no sense of thought and it becomes not true to you.

 When you go outside and look around and see the trees, plants, ground we walk on don’t you wonder where it all come from? You cannot create something from chaos unto perfection. You just cannot set something on fire and created a book, a desk, or even a TV. For the item to work it has to be created so perfect that it will work within the makers design to do what it is intended to do when it was made.

Just looking at the Earth and what is on it and the way everything is made I have come to the conclusion that some deity had to create it all with the information I have it could of not just happened.

One Body One Prayer One Voice one world that will sustain life and one God

In everyday life everyone has One Body, One Prayer, One Voice, One Soul, There is One God, One Jesus, One Earth, One Sun, one solar system that we are in. There is a lot of just one thing here on Earth. Everything here on earth is living a life cycle that was created for that specific creature. Every species has its own DNA, its own chromosome length, its own range of where it can live. Everything has its own function within the Earth. Everything here has its place and function within the Earth. If someone does not believe there is a God just look around and you will see everything here on earth just did not happen.

Everything has to have a designer to create everything.

Everything is made with a pacific design and purpose in an environment that the creature that was made thrives.

Everything has a purpose and a place within the Eco system of the earth. Scientists have tried to copy the eco system of the Earth to sustain life in a sphere with everything that the Earth has but could not control the rate of oxygen lose. They finely figured it out but could not fix the problem within the sphere because the sphere was not big enough to fix the problem. The size of the Earth, the orbit that the earth is in, the rate of spin, the living creatures, that live within the Earth all are in the middle of the life cycle of their place here on Earth.

If anything was changed all life here on Earth would cease to exist. For this to stay this way there has to be a creator and a designer to keep this world within the confines of space and time, everything here on Earth to live out their lives within the Earth itself there is no way it just happened.

Anything that is made is created by a designer that put together a product to sell on the open market. If the designer used chaos there would not be enough left to sell because it would have been blown up. So that means that everything has to have a designer for the item to work and or within creation have life. Chaos cannot create something out of chaos.

All this has nothing to do with what religion you are or where you live or even what you drive, or where you work, or even what you eat. It has to do with the ground you walk on. Whether or not you believe there is a designer or not everything had to have a designer for you cannot create anything out of chaos. And then there is one thing I want you to explain is where does gravity come from?

We live in two worlds: things that are seen and unseen. The earth we walk on and live on we can see and use in our daily lives. God’s kingdom we cannot see or touch or even walk in. God’s kingdom is the empty spot that is within us. We seek to fill it with the things of this earth but just cannot fill it. We do different things to see if this is what is missing within us. Every day we wake up and the empty spot is still there no matter what we do here on earth it is still there. Now the empty spot that is within us is called our soul/heart.

To find out how to fill that empty spot I have to tell you a story. The Story of a man that was born in Bethlehem and His name is Jesus of Nazareth: because he lived in Nazareth Israel because that is where he lived when Jesus started his ministry.

In the garden God gave us the right to choose what we wanted in life right from the beginning. God gave us the choice to eat the fruit of the tree not to eat thereof. God can fix what he has created and we can fix what we have created. You cannot create perfection our chaos. If there is and or was no God then nothing would exit. We cannot change what God has made and God cannot change what we have made. God is Jesus’s Heavenly Father and Joseph is Jesus’s earthly dad. To fill the empty spot we have within us is empty when Adam and Eve committed the sin in the garden and we lost the Holy Ghost that lived within us when we were thrown out of the garden into the world. We have searched to fill our soul with the earthly things of this world but will never do this because it can only be filled with the Holy Ghost.


Let us go to matt 3:13-17 Jesus was baptized by John in the river and when Jesus come out of the water the Holy Ghost ascended upon him like a dove. Then a voice from heaven said, this is my Son Jesus that I am well pleased. With many hearing this we know that God is alive and real to everyone that was there that day. Now let us go to Gen 1:27 God created us in his own image male and female he created He them. V26 God gave us dominion over the earth and all the creatures upon he earth to take care of.

We know that Jesus was a real person because the calendar was changed to reflect when Jesus died on the cross. When Jesus died on the cross the earth shook, the graves come open and all the saints come alive and walked the earth again. The day got dark and the whole palace shook and come down and killed many. This day went down in history because of this happening and it even changed the calendar to reflect the timeline of his death. Some say it was his birth but it was not it was his death on the cross. This is why we celebrate Easter. Now Easter (matt 28) means many things to many different tribes of people. Some it is the celebration of Spring, the rabbit is the celebration of fertility; the egg is for a new beginning of life when we plant a new crop. And then when Jesus died on the cross and rose the third day. We celebrate here in the U.S.A. In April 16 this year. Then when the Disciples received the Holy Ghost is on Pentecost (June 4) which means "fiftieth day": after Easter. Ancient Israel celebrating the giving of the Ten Commandments that were given to Moses on Mount Sinai to Israel on the day of Pentecost. The same day the festival was held is when the disciples received the Holy Ghost. Acts 2:1

Then the disciples started preaching after Pentecost because now they have the Holy Ghost living within them. They had found what was an empty spot within them is now filled with the Holy Ghost. They started preaching and got over 5,000 saved that day. They went out and preached as much as they could but between Rome and the Jewish church they were wanted and started to be killed for what they believed in.

Now you can have what they found when they received the Holy Ghost within them. All you have to do is believe that Jesus rose from the dead the third day. Then confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord. Then ask him to come into your heart and you will be filled with the Holy Ghost just like the disciples were when they received the Holy Ghost on Pentecost.



To become Saved. Read below.

  God, I believe with all my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus was buried and has been raised from the dead, I make Jesus Lord of my life right now, and I repent of all sin and turn from it. I open the door of my life and let you in. Jesus you are my lord and I will serve only you. I renounce you Satan. You are no longer my Lord.. In the name of the Father, the Son Jesus and Holy Ghost, Amen.


     Prayer of completely to God        (Say this out Loud).

  Father, I give myself completely to you. I need power to live for you. Fill me to over flowing with your holy spirit. I receive his fullness right now. I will be and I will do and I will say what God wants me to. In the Name of the Father, the Son Jesus and the Holy Ghost, Amen.


"I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, Than to live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is."

 “Practice what you preach so your Pastor doesn’t have to stretch the truth at your funeral!” 

 Once we understand that we live within the confines of God himself, we then realize once saved God now lives within us.


Religion in Law

I had no idea how critical religion is in the functioning of democracy

 The reason why democracy works it's not just the government on earth to oversee what everybody does. The reason democracy works is because everyone volunteers to choose to follow the laws.

 Our whole society is built on religion because most Americans attended church and learned what was taught by someone they respected.

Everyone starting to follow the laws because they found out that they were not accountable to mankind but to God for their actions.

Where are the institutions that are going to teach the next generation where to choose to obey the law is because you take away religion you can't hire enough police?

What makes a Christian a Christian is they are all saved? Now the thing is we let things of this world get into our churches and we think that it matters what we do and how we do it when it comes to things of this world. What matters is we are all taught to teach and preach Salvation unto the entire world and to protect that right with our lives. If we cannot stand on the corner and teach and preach then it is time to fight for that right to do so. Everything in this world will fade away.  When we have a job or a business to run keep religion out of the business, and our jobs. We are hired to do a job as a robot and do the job as best we can and not ask questions because some day we might just be replaced with a robot. Everyone gets confused about what is right and what is wrong. Our job is to teach and preach salvation unto the entire world, not to judge others on how they live or who they live with. When you say this you are judging them on Earthly things. It is not our job to judge anyone here on Earth. It is God’s job to judge them and let him do this job and do ours. Our job is to get them saved and let God deal with them after that. For when we get saved The Holy Ghost lives within us. God then will talk to them and get them to do things his way over time. The change has to come from within for change to come about outward. So we have to do our job to teach and preach salvation unto the entire world and let God do this job to change them from within.

Minister John Ruland III

Call for more information—812-657-5583 Home

johnruland@Gmail.com  (HEADING) (The Changers Church)



A job description of what we do within our jobs that we do from day today.

We go to work and our job is to work and do a job for the company that has hired us to do a job they want done. NO matter what the job is we have to come to the realization that the job we are hired for can be done by a robot. We are hired to do a job and the only way we should say anything to the boss is when we need to know more about the job we are doing. We are not paid to complain, take extra breaks, and or talk to others while doing the job we are paid for. If we complain or cause too much trouble within the job we are doing they will just replace you. So do the best job you can and do not complain or cause trouble because someday you could be replaced with a robot that does none of these. Just does it job day after day and says nothing but doing the job it was paid for.


What is a Man’s roll when single and what does it entail within a family once married and or even unmarried living within a family environment?

As a boy grows into a man there are things that boys do that boys grow out of once they become men. Some boy’s do not grow out of something’s that boys do when they grow up when they become men. Then there are boy’s that grow into men and get a job and provide for themselves with the things of this world has to offer.

Once the man finds a woman and gets together and later on gets married then his responsibilities changes from buying things that makes him happy to providing the things that a family needs. If he can transition from the things that will make him happy to buying things that is needed in a family environment then sometimes things start to work within the family.

Now the next thing is for both of them to come to an understanding of what is needed within their relationship and if they can compromise within their relationship to talk about what they want in the long term and if they can really talk about what they want out of life. For the Love they have for each other will be enough when it comes to hard times. Will they still stay together or will one of them leave when things get bad like if and when the money runs out because of sickness or a disability will they both love each other enough to stay and get through the hard times.

Now the Job that the man has to have to make the relationship work is he has to be able to go to work and provide the money for the many things that are needed to raise a family and help around the house and be there for her and the kids.


What is a Women’s roll when single and what does it entail within a family once married and or even unmarried living within a family environment?

As a girl grows up she will get things that will make her happy and over time she will start to grow out of childish things and start to think of the future and even starting a family. As she gets older she sometimes seeks a boy that might be the one that she will marry over time. Once she finds someone she will find out if he will be a good father for her children and her. If she thinks that he will not be a good provider then she will look for someone else. As she gets older and the boys turn into men and get jobs then she starts to look for the one that will make a good provider and if the one she has dated for very long starts to go and get a job and starts to provide some of the things they both want and maybe over time she will marry him. But if it turns out that he will not provide what she is looking for she will break up with him and look elsewhere.

For her to be a Good mom she will have to learn how to keep the house clean and how to cook and do all the things that a mom needs to learn. Just hope that her mom taught her all the things she needs to know when she starts her own family. It is up to her to find a good father for her children and over time if he lets her down with all the things that are needed within a family she will start to look elsewhere but once you have children it is too late to find someone else to take over her old family with someone new. There are not many men that will want to take care of someone else’s children. Even the lions will kill the young of the old lions pride and then he will start his own pride.

For both of them to know what is there roll within the family? His job is to love and provide the things that are needed within the family and help take care of the children and love her and help her from day to day with the kids and the home.

Her job is to provide the things that he needs when he gets home like: have dinner ready, his cloths washed, then to keep the house clean as possible with children. Then be there for him at night to hug and love him. It is her job to take care of the home and him. Then in turn once the things are done for him and his needs are taken care of he in turn will help around the house and do things that will make you happy.

If you both do not do the things that are needed to be done within the home and do the job you have been created for then there will be things that will cause trouble within your relationship and the love you have for each other.

Then both of you sit down and really talk about what you want out of life and do  not be scared for what you will say will scare the other one off. The best way to know what each one of you want out of life right from the start is a good way for you both to get to understand each other right from the start. Talk about how many children you want, where you want to live, what kind of job you want, what kind of car you want to drive, the size of the house you want and if in town or out of town. There are many things that really needs to be talk about that some people are scared to talk about because they are afraid that if they say the wrong thing they will leave them. It is better to find out right from the beginning what you both want  out of life then to find out 10 years later that what you both wanted was so different then when the time come to do the things you wanted to do you both got divorced because of it. It is just better to find out right up front what you both want out of life and talk about it now. The best thing is for both of you to sit and just talk about everything in life you want and the things you would like to do together. Proverbs 31

After everything that is said I want to leave you with this:

Everyone thinks that science has discovered that God does not exist but science has determined that the only way everything that has been formed had to be created because you cannot create perfection out of chaos. So for something to be usable and working there had to be a creator for it to work.

Younger people have come to the conclusion from their science class that God is not real and that evolution is real and viable. But the truth is that without God the creator of everything we would not even be here let alone the earth itself would be here.

So no matter what perfection cannot be created out chaos no matter what. Once you blow something up there is not enough left to put it back together.


For one thing a spirit is another word for your human soul

A ghost is made up of God’s breath and God’s breath can be anything he wants it to be. An angel and then it is gone because the breath of God just dissipates once his message has been sent.

When God created everything it was him personally making everything. God created Adam from the ground and breathed life in him. When God made Eve he took a bone from Adam so woman would cleave unto the man because she was formed from the man. This is why woman seeks out a man because she is part of him.

Man has a spirit/soul and once you get saved your soul/spirit is now the Holy Spirit/soul.

When you talk about God is God and the Holy Ghost is the breath of God. In the garden Adam and Eve had the Holy Ghost that lived within them but lost it once they sinned in the garden and was cast out of the garden. This is why out spirit/soul is empty of light. God is light and emptiness is darkness. Satan does not live in us. Satan lives in this world and feeds on sin, so the more sin you do the more he is there telling you to sin more and  more. Because Satan feeds on sin.