If you were going to die tomorrow what would you do with your last day?
If you were going to die tomorrow what would you do with your last day?
Now the question would be would you really believe that tomorrow was going to be your last day. That is the thing in anything do you believe something that someone told you or are you going to check it out for yourself to see if they was right or wrong. But how can you really find out that what someone was going to tell you were the truth and you really had only one day left here on earth. What would you really do with your last day?
Now that is really something to think about because if you live like this is your last day on earth then some things would be different! Some things you would not do and other things you would do because you can look to the future to see what has to be done today and then you plan for the future. Now that is if you live like there is a tomorrow.
But the question is if someone told you today that you are going to die sometime tomorrow what would you do?
Now if you ask me that question I would say I am ready to go because I know where I am going when I die and I will be glad that the time here on earth has ended. For now I go to a place that is better than the earth for there is no pain, no hunger, and there will be so much love that everything will be really good. So why would I be sad to have someone say tomorrow is your last day. I would say think you and even shake their hand.
Now the time has come to see what is really important in your life to you and only you. For everyone else has and maybe knows what is really important to them!
Have you got done what you wanted out of life?
Have you seen all the sites on this world you wanted to see?
Are you ready to die and give someone else your place in this world?
Have you really do everything you ever wanted to do?
Time goes by so fast and it seems like the more you do the more you have to do.
Take some time and just do something’s for yourself and if you want take someone with you as long as it is what you want to do and even maybe something’s that you both would like to do.
Life is short compared to the afterlife. It is up to you to do the things that make you happy and once in while there are things we have to do that need to be done because there is no one else to do them.
So what would you do with only two days left to life your life what would you really do?
Where do you want to spend the rest of your life smoking or non-smoking? It is all up to you and no one else to make that choice. It is all up to you where you spend eternity? MJR