The Old Man Said
The Old Man Said
If I know I was going to live this long I would have taken better care of my body.
Do we really abuse our body and don’t eat right? What we eat is what we are on the inside. If we eat junk food we are made up of junk food. If we eat lots of fruits and veggies we are what we eat. As we get older we need better food because of all those years of no so good food now we need to start to take of our bodies. When you get older some of the things you used to do you just cannot do any longer. To stay strong enough to do the things you want to do you have to no matter how much it hurts you have to go for a walk every day. At least min one mile and should at least walk 5 miles per day to keep in shape just to do the things you need to do. It is really easy to walk that far and really don’t even know you did it. Just go to a big mall and walk around just looking at things and if you get tired go and find one of the benches they have placed around the whole mall. Even go as far as getting a pedometer.
This way you can even tell how far you have walked in the mall. You will be surprised on how far you have walked just looking at stuff in the stores. You will have to do this at least 3 to 4 times a week. You can even stop for something to eat but eat something that is not fried or way to much salt. Stay away from fried foods as much as possible. Veggie pizza is good, veggie subway, or something like that. More veggies the better. You can get caned veggies, fruits and nuts. Surprising enough peanut butter, and jelly was a really good snack when you want something between a meal. There are many kinds of jelly too so get the one you like to make a sandwich. They say brown bread is good for you and it is better than white. But if you get whole white bread that is more brown then white. That type of bread is better for you then brown bread is. A lot of your brown breads are made with a little bit of sugar to make it taste good so you will eat it. White bread doesn’t. It is like all of diet stuff is not good for you either because with all the diet stuff in it is so bland and with any sugar you would not eat it. So really the diet stuff has more sugar in it then non diet stuff. Wow now that is something and I wanted a diet candy bar. It has more sugar in it then a regular one. Now you know why it tastes so good.
You can abuse your body for so long it will rebel on what you eat. If something you ate does not agree with the body it will just get rid of it. One way or another it will get rid of it. With all the different kinds of foods now there is a big choice on what you like to eat. We tend to eat what we were brought up on and we seem to pretty much stay with that. Next time you go to the store look around at what else is there you might like and get it to see if you do like it. Something’s your mom and dad not get because it cost too much just for one meal. Instead of hamburger, get ground chicken or ground turkey. Take on lbs. of ground chicken and cook it and then drain it, then put in a can of French onion soup and mix it in. now you just made a homemade white castle. You can use any kind of ground meat to make it.
There are many different kinds of foods out there to eat. Now this is something you will want to do so when hard times come you will have something to eat no matter what happens. Get some extra can veggies, can meat, anything and everything that comes in a can that will keep. When winter comes and you cannot get to the store you will have food on the shelf that you can open. Spaghetti sauce, spaghetti will keep for a long time. There is all kinds of can meat like tuna, potted meat, chicken, ham, and many other can meat. What would happen if the power ever when off and everything in the fridge, freezer would spoil but all the can goods would still be there for backup. If the power is off for too long everything in the fridge will be no good. If you have meds in the fridge and they need to be cold it will be a time when some of the meds will spoil, like insulin will keep for a while as long as it does not get too warm. If the power is off for over 4 hours some things in the fridge will go bad. Just don’t open the fridge at all. I have some of those freezer blocks and I keep at least 10 big ones in my big freezer and when the power goes off I put two blocks in the fridge and it will keep the fridge cold for 6 hours or more. Some of got would stay cold for 24 hours. I leave two in the fridge freezer so when the power goes out everything in the freezer will stay cold for 24 hours with opening it.
Then I put two in the fridge. Everything stays cold until the power comes back on. Just hope it is no longer than 12 hours. Then the blocks of ice starts to unthaw.
You might want to look into what to do when the power goes out and does not come back on. You do not realize when the power goes out there is no hot water, if you have a well the pump goes out and no water, no air, no heat, no fridge, or even the big freezer is out. Now what do you do now? This is where a camp stove, propane heater, 5 gal water containers, canned food, comes in handy. There is one thing you really need water for. If you can fill the tub full of water if you can before the water stops running! You then can use it to flush the toilet. The toilet will take the most water. Water, food, and shelter, heat in the winter is needed to live. Even tho you have this there will be others to try to take this away from you and to get what you have for themselves. If you have a basement in the home you will have to live down there until the power comes back on. It is cool in the summer and warm in the winter. If there is bad weather the basement will protect you. The only time the basement will not protect is if there is a flood in your area and the water fills up the basement. Then you really need a safe room in the home. A safe room is like a big safe in a bank. Well protected from anyone or anything trying to get what you have.
What it is a 10 inch thick wall with metal on the outside walls with plywood on the inside with battery backup that will run the lights for up to 5 days. The room should be good size with a flush, sink, food closet, bottled water. Set up the room like you are going camping for a week. Blankets, beds, food, water, everything that you would need when you are camping for a week! You can even make a shoot for the trash to go outside to the dumpster. There are a lot of things that can be done if you own your own place. Basement is really good if you are not in a flood zone.
How long can you survive if the power went out? That means all the gas stations will not have power to pump gas into your car either. So what will you do when the car gets low on fuel and no place to get some? You will not even have to go to work because there is no power to run the computers or any equipment of any kind. Even if some of the business has backup generators they will run out of fuel in time and there will be nothing. Everyone for themselves, it will not be a good thing if the power went out.
What I know will happen is the government will take over and everyone will have a computer chip implanted and will get a computer debit card and they will talk to each other. So you cannot give your card to someone to use it. They will scan you and then the card to buy and get paid on. Everyone will be given a job and life at that time will not be worth anything. If you do not do your job you can be taken out and shot as they see fit. If you don’t get the chip and the card you will be put to death. They will say that if you don’t take the card and the chip you will die. But the real reason will be if you take the card and the chip you will only serve the serpent (Satan) and if you don’t take the chip and card you will die. You will have to renounce God as your savior or die. In time it will come to that.
In time things will come about and we will have nothing to say about it. They have FEMA camps now to do just this. Take the mark and live or don’t take the mark and die.
Will you when the time comes will you live for Satan as your God or will you die and go to heaven when the time comes? Where will you be in the end times, smoking or non-smoking it is your choice.
Wow what a choice die or live in hell, what a choice everyone will have to make when the time comes.