3 Ways Satan Tries To Destroy the Church
3 Ways Satan Tries To Destroy The Church
There are certainly more than just three ways that Satan will try to destroy the church, but here are three of the main ways he attempts to do so.
I have heard a lot of sad commentaries on how churches are brought down, and I remember hearing about a huge church in Texas that divided over the color of the carpet in the sanctuary. Really!? A church divides over the color of the carpet!? That is tragic. If Satan or his demons can get church members to divide over something as nonessential as the color of the carpet, imagine how vulnerable that church is with other things. How can a church split up over something on which the Bible is silent? It is obviously because they are not yielding to the Holy Spirit or allowing Christ to be the central focus. When we take our eyes off of glorifying Christ, we get into all sorts of trouble and have useless arguments over things that in eternity will not matter one bit!
My Thought: when you come to church be it like the first time you ever come here and see everything for the first time. This way if anything has changed your mind will not know the difference. This is a place of worship and that is all. Everything that is in it helps to beatify the church and that is all. We can have services out side in a big field. Are you going to complain about the color of the flowers that is in the field that someone picked to have the service in. it is just a place to have the service and that is all? Everything else is just things that help in the service or for decoration. So when you go to a church for a very long time or if it is your first time to go to church see it as if it was your first time to go to any church for services. Satan will divide a church over little things so don’t make a big deal about what is in the church, make a big deal of what is not in the church. Many people to hear the gospel and go out and teach and preach salvation as much as you can.
I combined these two as one because often the rumors start by means of gossip, and God lists gossip as one of the seven things He hates. The last thing mentioned of the seven things that God hates is “a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers” (Prov. 6:19). When we gossip about others, we may be spreading lies or false rumors, which is also breaking the ninth commandment, which says, “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor” (Ex. 20:16). Gossip is nothing less than slandering someone’s name, and in the courts today, that makes them liable for persecution in a civil lawsuit. This can easily rip a church apart and bring it down because it most certainly is sowing “discord among brothers.”
My Thought: ho no you talking about that same person over and over again about the same thing. How many people have you told that same story that happened 3 years ago? No wonder that person does not come back to church you are always saying stuff about old times. If you would the same amount of time talking about Jesus and peaching salvation the whole town would have been saved. To instead of telling rumors and or gossip teach and preach salvation unto everyone. That is your gossip to tell. Say I have a secret to tell you and I don’t want satan to find out I have told you. Then tell the story about how to get saved. Like the romans road to salvation.
I believe that many churches have brought shame to the name of Christ by the scandals that happen there. Some churches had pastors who were committing adultery while still preaching behind the pulpit. Our church had a pastor that ran off with a lot of the church’s money, and he has never been found. Still others misuse church property or church buildings for their own personal needs. The church where I am pastor now was in such a sorry state when I arrived that every Sunday morning I came in early to wash a sink full of dirty dishes, pick up trash off the floor, wipe down food and dirty plates that were left on the tables, and clean up the bathrooms, which were customarily trashed. Someone had been using the fellowship hall as a second home, cooking and eating there, and then leaving the mess behind for someone else to clean up. Remember that Judas was once the church treasurer and that did not end well for him. People are watching, and when the church loses her testimony, then that church may have been dealt a fatal blow.
My thought: Make time to have sure someone is at the church at all times to make sure no one uses the church other than regular services or special events that have to do with church business. When there are many people that have a key to the church and then they go I know where we can have the birthday party. That is when you need someone at the church at all times to make sure that does not happen without the consent of the pastor and or whoever is over the building. Then make sure that they clean up after the party or whatever the event is. It does not take much to start something. All someone has to say did you hear about the party they had church last week the police was called and they hauled off all kinds of drunks there and it was in the paper where it all happened. Then the worse thing is you did not even know there was a unauthorized party in the church to begin with. And then you find out about in the paper, then now what? Now it was all your fault for letting it happen and where was you when all this was going on, and so on and on and on. It is better to have someone there to handle things like this before it even happens. So make sure someone is at the church and cleaning it or doing something to help out and to keep a eye on the church so no one will do anything to destroy the church in the first place. It is up to us to take care of what god gives us. So keep up the good work in teaching and preaching salvation unto the all the world.
We must all “be sober-minded; be watchful [because our] adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (1 Pet. 5:8), and that includes churches that he’d love to have for lunch. Satan isn’t busy trying to attack the world because they’re like passengers only rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic, but the devil is hardest at work in trying to bring down Christians and their places of worship in order to destroy the testimony of the church.
My Thought: let us realize that Satan is trying to take down the church itself and everyone in them. So keep an eye on what is really important in life. There is only one thing that is really important and that is to teach and preach salvation unto the entire world. Instead of telling stories about someone tell some stories that Jesus told unto everyone that would Liston. Where are you going when you die, smoking or non-smoking, the choice is up to you to decide before the there is no more time left for you.