How deep is your faith?

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How deep is your faith?

The question was asked was: why does bad things happen to us, why did someone die, get sick and died. When a loved one has a heart attack and dies that day? When it seems like no matter what it is something bad happens and it seems like it happens to me.

The answer: God is testing us to see how deep our faith goes. If when something happens and you tell god off your faith was not very deep. It seemed like it was the convenience of when you wanted God around and then when it was not convenient you did not even know God was in your life until you needed him again.

Everyone goes through hard times and good times. Everyone has troubles but some have more than others. Life goes on no matter what happens in your life. The world turns and night time comes and then day time. What you do with your life from day to day is up to you. Everyone needs money to live these days. Everyone needs Food, shelter, clean water, clean cloths, and something to believe in. no matter what town, city, or state you live in everyone still needs these things. To get these things you need a job a somehow to get to work and home again.

No matter what live goes on no matter what? It is bad to say even when a convenient store is robbed they clean up and reopen. They’re there to make money and no matter what happens they will be open just as soon as they can. If they are closed they can make money. No matter what life goes on if you want life to go on or not life will go on.

How deep does you love go for your partner? How deep does your love go to GOD? How deep does your love go for your kids? How deep does you love go for your mom and dad? There are many things in life that no matter what they do to you in life you will still love them until you die. People in your life will come and go but your mom and dad will always be your mom and dad no matter what. How much you see them throughout your life is up to you. Remember when they are gone you can just go and see them when you want too. There will be a time in your life that you will have to bury them both.

God will put good and bad things in our lives to see how deep our love goes for God, family, friends, and others we talk to and sometimes we will change others’ lives just because they know us.

How deep does your love go?