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Who is GOD?
Really the only way I can explain who God is:
God is like a big giant balloon:
Then cut the balloon into small pieces and they become entities with names and a job to do.
We live within that balloon.
Within that balloon all the big mass is broken down into smaller balloons that become planets and then a bigger balloon going around the small balloons and that we become our solar systems.
We live on one of the planets within a solar system of 10,000 solar systems. Now a galaxy is 10,000 solar systems.
With God being the big balloon and we are inside of him he cannot talk to us because we are within him. If you see and talk to any entity then it will be mom the Holy Spirit for she is the one that mainly takes care of everything with in all the systems and all the beings within the systems. She has many many children that she takes care of and guides them.
Everyone says there is a trinity well it is kind of true.
There is the father God that we live in, The Holy Spirit it mom and all the many children mom calls creator sons. They are the ones that create the galaxies and then the solar systems and all the planets that are within the solar system. Then infuse the planet with life that will support life. Then they bestowed a human son to become the teacher to tell everyone about who God is and how to get back to heaven because there were 37 planets that joined the Lucifer rebellion and need to have Rehabilitation. So this is why we have a bestowed human son on each of the planets to teach and preach and tell them who God is and how to get back to heaven.
Now the problem no one realizes that the word bestowed is to give someone a job and give them the powers to do that job that they are given. So the human called Jesus was bestowed the job to rehabilitate the earth. So that means that Jesus was born a human man and had human parents and later on in life when Jesus got baptized God bestowed the Holy Spirit upon him and then he had the power to come complete his bestowal and start to heal and to teach. When it got too much to do by himself then he found what he called his disciples. They took care of him and protected him from anyone that wanted to do harm to him. Then to protect his disciples from death he gave himself to the Jewish church to be put to death this would protect this disciples so they could care on his work.
Jesus had a very hard time to teach his disciples on who God was and to teach them that they needed to be saved (ask God to come into their soul) for some of them never did get what he was trying to get across. He finely told them something that they could understand when he had the last supper and told them that his body was the bread and his blood was the wine and told them to have this supper at least once a month. Then he added the salvation prayer with the blood of Jesus and then asks the Holy Spirit to come into their soul. It worked for half of the prayer was all they needed for no one can save you from anything that has come from the earth. Even the blood of Jesus was just that the blood of Jesus within the kingdom of heaven it meant nothing. For anything that is of this earth stays here for in heaven there is no flesh but angels of light.
When you ask the Holy Spirit to come into your soul then you become saved. Not from the blood.
There was still a lot that he did not change for the Jewish tradition was so imbedded within the people that some change just would not happen. Like the tradition of a woman is conceded a virgin until she has her first child. So this is why they said Jesus was a virgin birth because of Jewish tradition. Joseph was 21 and Mary was 20 when they got married in 08 BC and Jesus was born one year later 9/21/07 BC in city of Bethlehem.
They do not tell you that for it was not well known to write it down exactly where he was born except it was in the city of Bethlehem and it was about 6 miles south of Jerusalem. The Mount of Olives is east of Jerusalem about 3 miles. Where Jesus was crucified ½ mile north of Jerusalem in what they called Golgotha means “the place of a skull”.
When Jesus was put in the cave the angels come to him and incinerated him and that is why the shroud of Turin has his image in it.
For everything is of this earth stays here because all living creatures are of flesh and no flesh shall enter heaven for everything in heaven is of pure light.
They are not given or taken in marriage for what was really interesting was angels occupy space but do not displace space like we do.
For all that is of God’s angels have a glow and all others do not glow. That is how you can tell them apart.
In 1986 all of Lucifer’s, and his general Satan and all their followers was put to death or put in jail so they cannot do any more evil things at all.
So this means that now we are in what they call the correcting of time to put things back to where they should have been from the beginning.
There is one thing that you have to understand is that no matter what is done God will not take away our free will of choice. So this means that we have to make up our mind on if we want to follow him or not. You have the choice to follow anyone or anything and worship whatever you want. Even if it means you worship Satan and the image of the dragon, or serpent that Satan used to deceive everyone.
For Lucifer and Satan were fallen angels and they was pure light and not even scary. This is why the come up with the image of the dragon and the serpent and even other images of things that looks evil. For if you see Lucifer or Satan in real life they are not scary. They are fallen angels.
Because we have been lied to for so many years that everyone here on earth do not know the real truth for Lucifer has been causing trouble for 135,000 years. Now that is a long time to deceive everyone that does not even know they have been deceived. So what is the truth and how do we know what we are told from now on is the truth. It seems to come down to logic within the confines of our understanding of what is right and wrong that is built in within us. We seem to have the realization that what is wrong and what is right we can tell this for it seems like it is built in. For if someone tells us one thing and then they tell us something else we soon come to the conclusion that they are lying to us. So with this in mind it seems like that is built in to us when we was born. There are other things that seem to be there for no apparent reason but are just there. Like when we get scared we tend to run away.
There is just so much to learn because we have been deceived for so long that we do not even know who God is and even about all the other planets and all the other people out there in the grand universe of the cosmos that we live in.
Now some general information:
New thoughts
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your personality
Watch your personality; for it becomes your destiny.
Watch your destiny; for it becomes your future
Watch your future; for it becomes your spiritual destiny
Watch your spiritual destiny; for it becomes your life
Watch your life; for it becomes your thoughts
The battle was fight in heaven for eternal life but the Lucifer rebellion lost
You can be evil and not sin
You can sin and not be evil
You can be holy and divine
Jesus was neither holy or divine but when Jesus was baptized Jesus become divine
When Jesus was baptized his soul become divine.
The spirit is generous but not always fair
Our personality is our mind, body, and soul and our soul is our personality
Be happy for this moment in time is the beginning of your future of choice within your free will to choose what you do the rest of your life.
Learning is a long road but at the end of the road you become a teacher.
If you are going through hell just keep going.
Finaliters= father fused mortals with a perfect adjuster.
Personality = your mind, body, and soul
Antichrist – is a meaning not a person
March 16, 1986 of this calendar Lucifer and Caligastia died. Satan lost his mind and now in a hospital forever on one of the prison worlds
Jesus was his Hebrew name and Joshua Ben Joseph was his Jewish given name
Joseph was 21 and Mary was 20 when they were married
One year later Jesus was born on Aug. 23, BC 07
He died on the cross April 9, 30 A.D
Jesus had 8 brothers and sisters
Joseph died when Jesus was 14 from a construction accident working for the king Herod Jr. That means that Jesus at the age of 14 had to work to make money to provide the many things that was needed to live on.
We live within God himself that is why he can take care of us and know what is going on. This is why we cannot find him because we live within God himself and once saved God will live within us.
The reason there is male and female is:
For the DNA to be mixed there has to be the male and female separate for if they were one and had children after a while the DNA would not be strong enough for the beings to survive for a very long time. The strain would die off. So God in all his wisdom separated them into male and female so there would be more of a broad DNA exchange. For now with male and female there can be many tribes and they can mate and make the DNA stronger with outside DNA.
That is a really interesting question for this is the way it was
Mary spoke Aramaic, Joseph spoke Aramaic and Greek
Joseph was adopted by Herod and then he became Jewish within the Roman Empire. So that made the whole family roman Jews. The family was given a bible that was in Hebrew so to read it they had to learn Hebrew. So as Jesus grew up he learned all three. So later on in life it really helped him when he started preaching because he taught in all three.
The 12 disciple spoke different languages so that is why in the bible he taught only two or three at a time for he had to talk to them in their language.
So to answer the question by his father Joseph that was adopted by Herod the whole family was Jewish Romans.
The Jewish church elders all spoke Hebrew so all the church services was in Hebrew.
You can clearly observe the political seeds of the situation regarding the red cow, for if an entire people can rally behind a symbol of a religious cause, there has been much energy brought to the occasion, and this is the kind of energy that can topple the walls of Jericho or that can open the Red Sea, you see. This is the kind of drama that enables nations to rise and fall, and so it is a very wondrous and dramatic appeal to a people to come together for a spiritual cause, and they may well be effective, for there is great power in the race, even in the absence of their temple, and it will be an interesting outworking. It is not for us to particularly condemn or encourage such human functions.
I am Jesus and I now compare this writing to that of the Bible.
"In my day as a Rabbi unto the word of God, I sat before the Father in our own Temple in Jerusalem in the country of Israel. Therein I thought about all I had to do and when I decided I had to do them all, I let out a yell no one could hear but the Universal Father and His keeper, the Jerusalem Rabbi known as Penteforte. Penteforte knew me not, but I said unto him, 'be of good cheer Penteforte,' and he was forsworn never to repeat what he heard. This was my introduction to God as a real person and to God as my keeper and as a God of my devotion. Penteforte said to me: 'Be of good cheer,' and I responded the same, and went out into the sunlight of that day and never looked back. I was twelve years old that day on August 23, of your calendar today. My friends on Salvington have corrected this date to the true Urantia calendar to the twenty-second of August of four BC (04BC or 04BCE according to your taste). Now it comes to mind that I had only 12 years to speak to, but I knew in my heart that Jesus was divine and that my twelve years of experience at that time was not divine but human. I knew this. I let it go happily.
"I keep this secret until now as no one, not even the keepers of the records that released my story to all of you as Part IV of the Fifth Epochal Revelation. know to most readers as The Urantia Book. l Now I must reveal one more secret from the crypt they placed me in, and that was I had died on the cross but I have a dim memory of being placed in Jacob's Tomb, and I wept my self to sleep that moment and died in the arms of Gabriel, my chief heart keeper. Gabriel acknowledges this to all of you now and speaks as follows:
Gabriel of Nebadon and Salvington, its Capital - "I speak at length in the new Urantia Book coming to all of you soon enough and I speak to all except Ron, who understands the length of time it takes from death to salvation, and to him alone you my friend will die with me at your side as you are the last of the people on earth we trust to handle the sacred temple with Jesus and that is to follow you forever more as the ward of Jesus Christ and his mentor too, Mantutia Melchizedek. In these things you must be caring not to mention this again, and I will delete this portion from the record so it is new and sacred even to you then Ron. I completed my service to Jesus that day itself and declared the fourth epochal dispensation to reign upon Urantia until it was finished on May 31st, 2017 and this is different than your record holds Ron but is the correct one. I conclude this record for Jesus by telling your questioner, that he did not receive another Adjuster but received a replication of Sananda, never done before or will never be done again, and Jesus survives his Adjuster prefusion by only minutes between his fusion and the record showing the fusion took place about one minute later after receiving the Adjuster on Salvington before Michael of Nebadon. As Gabriel of Salvington, I take full responsibility of moving this narrative to the universe records on Salvington."
Jesus - "I only need narrate the following to complete the answer. When I was assigned by my Father to teach the Transcendentalers, i was greeted by my host to teach them as Pre'mptor, and Adjuster by that name already on Paradise awaiting my presence to speak and to tell me that I was to become a Creator Son. I dared not think that as I am like Ron as I am happy to accept my gender and my order of creation. We are giving you a short version of what happened on Uversa before this to set this grant to begin but sufficient to say, the Father, in forming me as a Finaliter, introduced Himself into my heart and my mind and as His forum too, to become a Creator Son whenever Michael vacated Nebadon, and I may be asked to render Nebadon as my place to rule Justice and Spirit Flavor to all of the Nebadon creation. I cease my explanation now."
Bestowed means = What was learned to day was that bestowed means (to give) the job to Jesus with the power to do the job that Michael has given unto Jesus here on earth to do.
Once Jesus died he woke up in heaven and was given a new body then he fused with a father-fused perfect adjuster and then become a Finaliter. Means the next step is to become a creator son. A creator son receives his own solar system to create.
Mother Spirit : This is Mother Spirit Nebadonia. Good morning to you all. I come in response to Lemuel’s call because I know his concern and wants to understand the why’s and the wherefores’ if it is possible for me to convey about the changes that will take place when it comes to the selection of system and planetary surveying and to why the reason these changes are being put into place. I am sure some of you already realize and understand from your readings in the Urantia Book that there is always the possibility of a rebellion on any planet that has not yet received the bestowal Son.
This is what happened here on Urantia. Try to remember that the Universe of Nebadon is still a young universe and the systems within the constellations are still young systems and the system here of which Urantia is a part is still incomplete and Urantia being the planet number 66 with the very youngest of planets and this is where the danger of the possibility always lies and so the rebellion took place here on Urantia, before Christ Michael had the opportunity to come here for His final bestowal. After a final bestowal, a rebellion on any planet is impossible.
The new plan to be put forward are to try to eliminate this danger in the future. The Order of the Melchizedeks has never been in default, not one member of the Melchezedek Order, since the very consumption, not one has ever defaulted and so it has been decided that in the future system sovereigns and planetary surveying’s will be of the Melchizedeks Order and as you have recently been informed the new system of which Urantia will take part will be under a new name. The System Sovereign will be Machiventa Melchizedek and it will be the very first time that such a position will be held by a Melchizedek.
As I have just stated, these changes are being put into place to eliminate the possibility of further rebellions, not just here in the Universe of Nebadon but also in the Superuniverse number seven – Orvonton. Also, another thing you must realize particularly pertaining to this planet of Urantia, it is so retarded because of the rebellion, every conceivable help to bring this planet eventually into Light and Life so that Father can recuperate this planet, everything will be done to make this possible.
You have already been informed that this planet now has the most wonderful future. Father Himself has deemed this to be not just necessary, but it will be for Him also a pride and joy that this tiny (…) of dust on the outer hedges of the Universe of Nebadon not only will be recuperated but it will one day shines like a brilliant star.
@ Our culture within us
At the end of the 20th century, we now understand that human cultural behavior is learned, conditioned into infants beginning at birth, and always subject to modification. No human is born with a built-in culture or language. Our temperaments, dispositions, and personalities, regardless of genetic propensities, are developed within sets of meanings and values that we call "culture." Studies of infant and early childhood learning and behavior attest to the reality of our cultures in forming who we are.
It is a basic tenet of anthropological knowledge that all normal human beings have the capacity to learn any cultural behavior. The American experience with immigrants from hundreds of different language and cultural backgrounds who have acquired some version of American culture traits and behavior is the clearest evidence of this fact. Moreover, people of all physical variations have learned different cultural behaviors and continue to do so as modern transportation moves millions of immigrants (and or tribal members) around the world.
How people have been accepted and treated within the context of a given society or culture has a direct impact on how they perform in that society. The word "racial" within the worldview was invented to assign some groups to perpetual low status, while others were permitted access to privilege, power, and wealth. The tragedy in the United States has been that the policies and practices stemming from this worldview succeeded all too well in constructing unequal populations among Europeans, Native Americans, and all the other tribal members of all the nations.
Given what we know about the capacity of normal humans to achieve and function within any culture, we conclude that present-day inequalities between so-called "racial" groups are not consequences of their biological inheritance but products of historical and contemporary social, economic, educational, and political circumstances within each culture.
As children as we grow and learn the culture that we was born in we learn what is taught within that culture. We are taught what our parents tell us and how the live there life and this is all we know until we go to school and learn more about the culture that we live in. We tend to do the things that we are taught and what we have learned throughout our lives.
When we get out on our own and get our own place we tend to do the things we like to do and most of them is within the culture that we was brought up in. The job we have the people we hang around.
When it comes time that we find someone and we fall in love most of the time we choose someone that is within our culture that we grew up in.
Now for a new concept: Within the culture we are brought up in we tend to judge others from other cultures. That I call your tribal markings of the culture that you are from. Now the question is do you marry within the tribe that you are born in or do you marry outside of your tribe and give your tribe and a culture change. For do we or can we really understand what it means to marry outside of your tribe? With the new infusion of DNA within the two tribes intermarrying then we introduce new DNA within the tribe. This is a good thing for it makes both tribal DNA stronger with each generation of introducing new DNA in to the tribe.
- The Dawn Races of Early Man
- The First Human Family
- The Evolutionary Races of Color
64:5.3 These Sangik children, nineteen in number, were not only intelligent above their fellows, but their skins manifested a unique tendency to turn various colors upon exposure to sunlight. Among these nineteen children were five red, two orange, four yellow, two green, four blue, and two indigo. These colors became more pronounced as the children grew older, and when these youths later mated with their fellow tribesmen, all of their offspring tended toward the skin color of the Sangik parent.
74:0.1 Adam and Eve arrived on Urantia, from the year A.D. 1934, 37,848 years ago. It was in midseason when the Garden was in the height of bloom that they arrived. At high noon and unannounced, the two seraphic transports, accompanied by the Jerusem personnel entrusted with the transportation of the biologic up lifters to Urantia, settled slowly to the surface of the revolving planet in the vicinity of the temple of the Universal Father. All the work of rematerializing the bodies of Adam and Eve was carried on within the precincts of this newly created shrine. And from the time of their arrival ten days passed before they were re-created in dual human form for presentation as the world's new rulers. They regained consciousness simultaneously. The Material Sons and Daughters always serve together. It is the essence of their service at all times and in all places never to be separated. They are designed to work in pairs; seldom do they function alone.
- The Garden of Eden
- Adam and Eve
- The Default of Adam and Eve
- The Second Garden
“The Light of God surrounds us.
“The Love of God enfolds us.
“The Power of God protects us.
“The Presence of God watches over us.
“Wherever we are, He is.
Universal Father who indwells us all as a Thought Adjuster
1978- ABRAHAM The SCOUT. Abraham arrives on Urantia by special permission of the Ancients of Days. 1978 predates the adjudication ending the Lucifer Rebellion which ended dramatically by the message sent by the Ancients of Days to Salvington, announcing the life cessation of Lucifer and Caligastia, and 2,135,115 others on (by our calendar) March 16, 1986.
Because Abraham was tasked with coming to Urantia to provide a teaching mission lesson where he could find fertile ground to begin a new outreach for the Fifth Epochal Revelation, Salvington had to apply to the Uversa Ancients of Days for his permission to appear on the planet.
“To begin, you might address your guidance team with something like this:
‘My Beloved Indwelling, my guidance team, I desire to extend my spirit-centered abilities that I may acquire greater awareness of the many resources that are available to me during this time in my life on Urantia that I may participate in the Great Plan in a more meaningful way.’ ‘Please assist me now by upgrading my spiritual interface and expand my ability to communicate on many levels and dimensions unseen.’
“This might be your first step into a larger reality of universal participation. The second step will be what you do with this upgraded and expanded awareness. As always, when you trust and ask in faith for opportunities to grow in an intelligent and meaningful way (ask and it is given), your guidance team shall go to work for you because you have used your will and desire to access the framework that moves the universe on its path toward completion (the Great Plan).
“Power and grace to you,
81-85 in the Urantia book is about marriage and the beginning of the mankind
Generally, we have been striving to present to the audience a way of listening, reading, seeing, evaluating and processing their world outside of the box of their own cultural reality. When people are comfortable with what they have experienced, then they tend to read material that reinforces it. We have striven to bring new material to the reading audience to suggest that what they have been doing is fine and wonderful, but it eventually will become unsuccessful and even lead to the demise of your societies. Change is not always good, but guided and thoughtful change and anticipation of new needs and perspectives and interpretations of these values is important to take into consideration.
MMc: Sometime back, you suggested that the readers acquaint themselves with a book, an “Impersonal Life.” Published in 1914 by (Joseph S. Benner)
Our audience member found it captivating. In chapter 14, there is a quote, “You do nothing that I do not cause you to do. You do it to fulfill my purpose, although it may seem to you at times that you are acting contrary to my wish and only to satisfy your own desires.” Would you be willing to comment on this statement?
MACHIVENTA: Its interpretation is personal to each individual who reads it, and one who would pick up the book to read, will surely by the time they come to Chapter 14 have some idea of how that applies to their own life.