Things in life
Things in life
We encounter many things over time and some are pretty interesting to me anyway. When someone says that you are against something and then they say you did that and you said that and it all comes down to did you really say that or was it said to someone and they said you said that.
Then someone will say you are against gays and all forms of anything that has to do with what the bible says that is a sin. No matter what it is you are living in sin and have to change what you are doing with your life.
Wow I say then: really we have to change the way we do things and live the way you say we should live out our lives and do not do anything that the bible says it is a sin. Then I ask them is it your turn to Play God and tell everyone how they should live out there life?
They just look at me and just walk off.
Well there are two sides to every story.
We will look at both sides and then you can come to a conclusion for yourselves if we should judge others for how they live their lives and try to tell them how to live and what to do with there lives.
ONE: We live in a world that no matter what you do it seems to be the wrong thing to do day to day. To eat this or eat that, drink this or drink that, take this pill or not take this pill, drive this car or not to drive this car or anything else that you can think of. There are so many choices we face every day that what is right and what is wrong with everything here on earth?
TWO: when it comes to spiritual things who is right and who is wrong in you?re what you believe to be the truth to you. Everyone has a different perspective in life and everyone believes something different to be true to them. Once you come to the conclusion that the religion that you are following is the right one for you then you learn as much about that religion as much as you can. Then if it meets the needs that you have then it works for you.
Back to ONE: Everything here on earth is material things and everything we use will someday be discarded from use and then when it gets broken or not useful any longer we throw it out or sell it. Everything on this earth will fade away and not useful any longer. People in our lives will come and go as relatives, or friends and or husbands or wives?. Children will grow up and leave home to see out there new found freedom to do the things that want to do. We are left with an empty house one way or another. Out earthly existence is predestined to not last longer than 120 years or when the body stops producing new cells. At any age this can happen. No matter what are we are once the cell division stops we die of they say natural causes. Because that is when all the organs in our body stops working right and then we all have that time when what was really important in our lives seems something come completely different when that time comes. I want to give you something to think about: just think that you are going to die tomorrow and if you had anything that you wanted to do with your life you had to do it today and tomorrow. What would you do with your last two days of your life?
I like the saying: "I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than to live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is."
TWO: Spiritual things
Now everything we cannot see is the other side of life that no matter what is part of us. Sometimes we can see things coming in the future and avoid them. Then our whole outlook on life changes when something like that happens to someone. The spiritual worlds are of God, the angels, satin and his angels, spirits of the dead. That still walks the earth. If you don?t believe in the dead spirits then someday you will see one and then things will change for you. But until then keep believing there are none ok.
Ok now on what we started talking about.
Judgment of others: I tell everyone this: There are two things we have to understand first.
We pay with our bodies what we have done here on earth and we pay for our sin in heaven when the time comes.
So that means that no matter what we have done here on earth we will pay with our bodies. If we stole something they put our body in jail until the payment is paid in full then we are let out. So if we even killed someone and was put in jail we will pay for what we have done with our bodies.
Then someone say will a killer go to heaven?
Now if that person got saved after they went to jail and now when they die they will go to heaven. No you say that is not fair because they are a killer. Their body will never get out of jail and they will pay for the crime with their body. The soul is one thing we have no control over. This is one thing that God has total control over. No matter what the body does has nothing to do with what the soul does. So if someone got saved in jail they will go to heaven when the time comes.
Now the next thing is going to be the hardest thing to tell you that will get you to understand what Christians teach and believe.
Our job is to teach and preach salvation unto the entire world.
Everything that has to do with an earthly existence is irrelevant.
All we are concerned about is where are you going when you die.
Now how you live or what you do with your life that is up to you on how you live out your life. We have laws to protect the ones that would cause harm to anyone.
God has laws too but his law is to love one another and take care of the ones in need. Then teach and preach salvation unto the lost. Let them find the way back to heaven where we come from.
How much of yourself have you given to God? It is not how much god gives unto you but how much of your self have you given to him. God is the same today and tomorrow and forever more.
To anyone that reads this page, these prayers are the secret prayers to God for salivation from Satan's world and Hell. Satan wants these prayers never to be heard of or seen. So don't tell Satan we put the secret prayers here.
To become Saved. Read below.
Prayer of Salivation Say this out loud.
God, I believe with all my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus was buried and has been raised from the dead, I make Jesus Lord of my life right now, and I repent of all sin and turn from it. I open the door of my life and let you in. Jesus you are my lord and I will serve only you. I renounce you Satan. You are no longer my Lord.. In the name of the Father, the Son Jesus and Holy Ghost, Amen.
Prayer of completely to God (Say this out Loud).
Father, I give myself completely to you. I need power to live for you. Fill me to over flowing with your holy spirit. I receive his fullness right now. I will be and I will do and I will say what God wants me to. In the Name of the Father, the Son Jesus and the Holy Ghost, Amen.
How deep does you love go?