The New Shoes

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The New Shoes

There was this kid that was very poor and his cloths was ripped and torn and his shoes was old and had holes everywhere he was so depressed that he had no new shoes. He sees a boy on a park bench with new shoes and new cloths he wanted to be like this kid. So he prayed that he was this kid and when he opened his eyes he was this kid and he had on new cloths and new shoes. Then he was looking around the other kid was jumping up and down and having a good time just running around in his old shoes on and torn cloths. He was running and running around yelling and screaming. Then someone come up to him with his new cloths and new shoes and said I am sorry it took so long to come back and get you. Then he realized why the kid was on the park bench with new cloths and new shoes were because he could not walk or run. So that is why the other kid that had on his old cloths and old shoes he was up running around and screaming was because he could now walk. The woman come over and picked him up and put him in the wheel chair and he left the park.

To want something does not mean that once you get it everything will be fine and your perception about live will change when the change comes from within you. What is on the outside of you what you preserve what is the truth as you know it? Once you are someplace else and then you realize that what you have preserved all along was just an illusion that what you have saw was just that an illusion of what life Satan wanted me to see what was true. With the love of God and with a new perception on life now you understand what was just an illusion of what you thought was real but now you know that God is real and the real truth is salvation of sin and got saved. You now know the truth of what the world was trying to hide from you all along. Once saved you know that God is real and he loves you no matter what you have done. For the worldly perception are only things of this world. Spiritual things of this world are unknown to you until someone that has the spiritual knowledge of spiritual things that can tell you about God and who he is and what he is all about. But until then you will not know what spiritual things are until you are told.

I have said all this so you will understand that God is real, the world we live in was created by God for us to live on. There are many unknowns here on earth. God put everything here for us to use and to take care of. It is our job to see to that we take care of our place to live. Not to destroy what we have but to preserve what God has given us. Do we deserve what we have or was it God given? Why are we here? Why does all this happen to me? I need help I cannot do this alone? The answer to all these questions is once saved all your questions will be answered. Choose God and get saved today.


    To anyone that reads this page, these prayers are the secret prayers to God for salivation from Satan's world and Hell.  Satan wants these prayers never to be heard of or seen. So don't tell Satan we put the secret prayers here.


To become Saved. Read below.

   Prayer of Salivation  Say this out loud.

  God, I believe with all my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ was buried and has been raised from he dead, I make Jesus Lord of my life right now, and I repent of all sin and turn from it. I open the door of my life and let you in. Jesus you are my lord and I will serve only you. I renounce you Satan. You are no longer my Lord.. In the name of the Father, the Son Jesus and Holy Ghost, Amen.

     Prayer of completely to God        (Say this out Loud).

  Father, I give myself completely to you. I need power to live for you. Fill me to over flowing with your holy spirit. I receive his fullness right now. I will be and I will do and I will say what God wants me to. In the Name of the Father, the Son Jesus and the Holy Ghost, Amen.