Laws of this world and Gods laws who do you follow?
Laws of this world and Gods laws who do you follow?
We live in a physical world and we also live in a spiritual world so who do we obey first?
Now that is a really good question to ask. Now first we have to follow the laws of this world and do the things that pertain to this world so we can implement the laws of God within this earthly realm.
For if we do not conform to this earthly realm and follow the earthly laws of man we cannot successfully implement Gods laws within this earth if we are all in jail!
So we have to follow the laws of man and then implement Gods laws so we can teach and preach salvation unto the entire world.
I have heard many say don’t follow man’s laws and just only follow God’s laws and you will do what God wants you to do in your life. How can you do God’s work if you are in jail for not following man’s laws? It is a simple thing to conform to man’s laws so you and teach Gods laws and the free gift of salvation.
Just because Kent E. Hovind and many others would not pay the fee to be an ordained minister and get the tax free number to his church he went to jail for ten years for not doing so. How can you not get what the government wants you to do and not conform to things of this world so you can do Gods work? Without following man’s laws how can you do God work without doing what is needed to get the job done? It would be like being a house maid and not have any tools of the trade. It would be like go to preach without the bible or even a ready sermon. What would you do and preach?
Jesus even said give unto Caesar what is Caesars and what is Gods unto God. So we have to give what is unto man and man’s laws so we can give what is Gods unto God. For if we do not conform we will pay with our bodies for what we have not done here on earth and when the time comes we will pay for our sin with our soul for not doing what God wanted us to do. Our job is to teach and preach salvation unto the entire world. How can we do this if we are in Jail for not following man’s laws in the first place.