Anyone can claim to believe in God
Anyone can claim to believe in God"
But backing up the claim with action is why God accounted everyone’s belief as true righteousness.
How deep does your faith go? Will you abandon God when times get tough and go as far as to tell him off? Get mad at God because he put hard times in your way of life that you thought once you got saved things would be better for you. God will put things in our way to get us to realize that life is not all fun and games. There will be good times and bad times for a reason. God will test us to see if we will abandon him when times get bad and sometimes so bad that God has taken someone we love away from us. Everything happens for a reason to get us to realize that life is not easy for a reason. If we went through life if everything was just given to us we would not do anything that would rock the boat. We would just go with the flow and never really do anything in life then to just exist. With hard times brings hard ship and then we realize that if we do not try to fix this we could lose everything we have and sometimes even loose our place to live.
Everything we have determines if we have an income and if we do things that will cause that to decrease or even lose our job is something that everyone has to go though. Sometimes is because we have out grown the job and sometimes it means that we need to start our own company to a better job than the one we just left. Everything in life we have to understand that life is what we make it. Will all the bad times and good times in our lives. What should come first in life does not always come first.
God, then family, then work. Sometimes it is work, family, and maybe God if we get to that point we have bad times. Then and only then we ask for help. Like the atheist said as the lock ness monster was about to eat him, he looked up in the sky and said God if you are real save me from this monster. God said I though you did not believe that I existed. The atheist said, 10 seconds ago I did not believe in the lock ness monster either.
Your perception is what you can see, hear, heard about, touch, friends that told you things. The only perception is what is here on earth. What is beyond the human understanding in this world is limited to what we see, hear, touch, and smell and where we live here on earth. What we was taught growing up and if the bible was even opened and even taught in some family’s been amazing. Now the sad part, even tho sometimes the bible is taught and even read once in a while the family life was not always a happy one. With things of this world getting in the way of even church every Sunday was not even gone to. It always come down what is important in your life always shines through the life on that person.
Everyone gets to that point in their life where they have questions about what is true and what is not to them. There will be times that we will question if God is real or even is Satan was real. We know that Jesus lived back then because we have the written word that he was real and really died on the cross. The story is in the bible and many other manuscripts that did not even go into the bible. They were history documents in our many libraries.
Now we know that Jesus was a real person and he taught many things to his disciples. Then he died on the cross for our Sin. Wow we have got to that point where Jesus was real, he died on the cross for everyone’s sin. Now the next step is where this is leading to. Jesus taught love, and to love everyone no matter what they have done or even who they are or even who they have become. Jesus taught to everyone that would listen to him. Jesus taught the way of love leaded you to the forgiveness of sin and a way back to heaven where we come from. The free gift of salvation to everyone that wants to receive the free gift of salvation is for everyone that will just ask for it.
The next point now would be how do we know that God and the Holy Ghost is real and who is really God and what or how is really the Holy Ghost and what does the Holy Ghost do?
Now God is the creator of everything He is and always has been. We know this because of Jesus said and what happened to him on the day Jesus got baptized. (Matt 3:16) When the Spirit of God come upon Jesus when Jesus got baptized. John said the Spirit of God come upon him like a dove coming from heaven. Then God said this is my son that I am well pleased. From that time on we know there is a God because more than one person heard God say that.
Now we have God, Jesus, and Satan (serpent) from in the garden when Adam and Eve sinned. (Gen 3:1)
Ok now where or who is the Holy Ghost? Ok now that is really easy to find out what or who is the Holy Ghost. When Jesus got baptized the spirit of God come upon him. This means that Jesus is human and now his soul if filled with the spirit of God. (Matt 3:16) The definition of Death is: the separation of Body and Soul. When Jesus was crucified on the cross when Jesus died, the separation took place. Jesus’s body died. Jesus soul is now the Holy Ghost or (Holy Spirit) that lives within us. (John 14:20)
Now we have proved that God is real, Jesus was a real person that died on the cross for our sin, the serpent or we know him as Satan is real, Sin was paid for by Jesus on the cross. Now the free Gift of God is the Gift of the Holy Ghost that will come into our soul and be our friend and will Guide us throughout our life time. We have that choice to live with or without the Holy Ghost within us. Once this transformation takes place there is inner peace and the love that God has for us is total over whelming. There are two prayers that will help you get that inner peace. One is the salvation prayer and the other one is to give all of yourself to God so he can help you in your times of troubles and show you the good times of his love and understanding.
Prayer of Salivation (Say this out loud).
God, I believe with all my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ was buried and has been raised from he dead, I make Jesus Lord of my life right now, and I repent of all sin and turn from it. I open the door of my life and let you in. Jesus you are my lord and I will serve only you. I renounce you Satan. You are no longer my Lord.. In the name of the Father, the Son Jesus and Holy Ghost, Amen.
Prayer of completely to God (Say this out Loud).
Father, I give myself completely to you. I need power to live for you. Fill me to over flowing with your holy spirit. I receive his fullness right now. I will be and I will do and I will say what God wants me to. In the Name of the Father, the Son Jesus and the Holy Ghost, Amen.
Get Your Own Dirt
God was once approached by a scientist who said, “Listen God, we’ve decided we don’t need you anymore. These days we can clone people, transplant organs and do all sorts of things that used to be considered miraculous.”
God replied, “Don’t need me huh? How about we put your theory to the test. Why don’t we have a competition to see who can make a human being, say, a male human being.”
The scientist agrees, so God declares they should do it like he did in the good old days when he created Adam.
“Fine” says the scientist as he bends down to scoop up a handful of dirt.”
“Whoa!” says God, shaking his head in disapproval. “Not so fast. You get your own dirt.”