Within our Tribalism
Within our tribalism
Within our tribalism, culture, customs, ethnic groups, our religious belief, our appearance and even our way of life determines our outlook on life and even others within our tribe and or even within the world we live in.
For over time some have come to know that other tribes do not have the education or the means that is needed to provide the food to feed their families. So they resort to and not only to steal so they can eat and provide what is needed within any tribe. It has always been that way and not many changes within any culture, or ethnic groups no matter where they have been brought to live or even where they were born.
Even today we have some tribes come to other villages and take what they want because they can and no one tries to stop them for if they did they might get hurt or even killed. So they let outsiders come and take what they want and then they leave and go back to where ever they have come from.
Even today within some cites some old tribes have resorted to do just that. Go and take whatever they want no matter where it is and bring it back to their family so they can at least have food to eat.
The thing is it really does not make a difference on what culture, customs, ethnic groups, our religious belief has to do with survival within in a tribe.
Everyone still has to have a place to live, food to eat, and clean clothes to ware and a way to feed their family no matter where they are. Even if there is not enough to go around fights will break out within the tribe itself. Even they get hurt of even worse get killed over something that should have not happened within any tribe. For it could have been taken care of through the tribal elders if there is any left within there tribe. We have all come to that point in life where to make money to even eat and for us to do this most of the time is it legal or not it has to be done for us to and our children to eat.
Then sometimes you will say what about skin color??? Within any tribe there will be variations of skin color once the tribe goes outside of their tribe and had children by other tribal members from other tribes. So really skin color is not what the real problem is. Now some use it as an excuse to try to get out of whatever they did but skin color really has nothing to do with your tribalism, culture, customs, ethnic groups, or your religious beliefs.
Some try to make it a skin color excuse but it all comes down to we all have to have a place to live, food to eat, clean clothes to ware and some way to get these things on a daily basis. Once all these things have been met we all settle down and raise our children. Until something happens to a family member or one gets sick, loose a job, someone get hurt, or even killed because of a car accident or something even worse. Our world will change overnight.
Within our nature we will protect what is ours and even fight to help others in need. We are in general tribal warriors within our own tribe. So when we get mad we tend to fight the ones that are causing all the trouble. Then sometimes when the fight gets more and more involved and then you have a war on your hands.
Now days this is why we have law enforcement to take care of those things so we can have a place to raise our children and have a place to live, work, and have a safe place to raise our children.